So why is it so difficult to make money trading the Currency Market markets?

For heavens sake the market can only move up or down and together with all the tools at our disposal the way can we possibly fail?

My personal experience is the number one cause of failure is an inability to understand the meaning of a border and how to use it.

What is an edge? In roulette the casino advantage is your zero slot. With no zero, if punters just gambled on the black and red the casino would just break even over time.

With the zero it is pay day daily. The casino likely loses 49% of the time. They don't care. One percent is enough!

And that is why most traders fail. They can not stand losing. They don't understand that gambling is a game of probabilities. They are continuously trying to find a system that wins all the time. It does not exist.

Other traders understand that losing is a part of the game but don't understand probability theory. They don't understand any egy will, at some time, have a long losing streak. When it occurs they either abandon a fantastic method (usually just before it belongs on an even more winning series ) or they go bust.