How long do you dedicate to analysis before operating?
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Thread: How long do you dedicate to analysis before operating?

  1. #1
    I wonder how much time they spend on analysis before opening an operation.Sometimes I spend hours looking at graphics and evaluating indicators, but I wonder if I am perhaps overnight and losing opportunities.How do you balance the analysis time with operating?

  2. #2
    Excessive analysis is the enemy of a good trade.If after 20-30 minutes you do not have a clear sign, better expect another opportunity.Being hours looking at graphics only confuses you more.

  3. #3
    I think it depends on the type of trader you are.If you are a scalper, you probably don't need so much analysis, just wait for the right time.But if you are more long term, it may be worth spending more time to analysis.In my case, I usually check the graphics once a day and make quick adjustments if necessary.

  4. #4
    Indeed, it depends a lot on your trading style.If you do swing or intrad�a, with checking the graph a few times a day is enough.Beyond that, you run the risk of falling into paralysis due to analysis.

  5. #5
    Balancing analysis time with trading requires efficiency and focus. Spending hours on charts can be valuable, but it’s important to set clear criteria for entering trades. Many successful traders use a structured approach, relying on key indicators and predefined strategies to avoid over-analyzing and missing profitable opportunities.

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