If you keep changing strategy every week, you will never be profitable.What you need is discipline and focus on a single system until it works.
If you keep changing strategy every week, you will never be profitable.What you need is discipline and focus on a single system until it works.
Exactly.You cannot expect to be profitable if you do not dedicate yourself to a single system and perfect it.Consistency is the key, not the number of strategies.
And that is the problem: you are "testing" too many systems.Find one that works, adjust your plan and stop jumping from one system to another.
You don't need to win more than 50% of the time.If you make your profits greater than your losses, you will be profitable.Do not focus on how many times you have been right, but on maintaining consistency.
Exactly.Having a high success rate means anything if your losses are greater than your profits.Risk management is everything.