Advantages and disadvantages of operating in shorter time frames - Page 2
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Thread: Advantages and disadvantages of operating in shorter time frames

  1. #11
    I will practice in demo and limit my daily operations to see if I can maintain discipline.I like the idea of ??using tight stops.Thanks for the recommendations, it seems that I have enough to work before making the change.

  2. #12
    It is a good strategy.Take your time to adapt to the shorter time frames and do not rush.If you do well, it can be a positive change, but make sure to be fully prepared.

  3. #13
    There are no shortcuts in this business.If you do not prepare, the market will be in charge of reminding you of the bad one.Good luck, you will need it.

  4. #14
    Thank you all for the advice.I will continue practicing and preparing before making the definitive change.

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