PA by judo - Page 2
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Thread: PA by judo

  1. #11
    Well done.Sometimes everything is reduced to returning to the basics and trusting your analysis.Keep it up!

  2. #12
    Exactly, and don't forget to constantly evaluate your performance.No matter how good it went today, tomorrow is a new day and the market has no memory.

  3. #13
    I have seen that many traders fail because they do not have a clear plan.Write your input and exit rules and follow that plan without diverting.This helps eliminate doubts and improves discipline.

  4. #14
    Gold Rule: If you are not in your plan, do not operate it.So simple.Leave doubts and improvisations for amateurs.

  5. #15
    I definitely need to be more disciplined and follow a plan.I'm going to take time to write my trading rules this weekend.

  6. #16
    Good decision.A written plan is like your compass in trading.Without it, you are drifting in an ocean full of sharks.Luck!

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