Simple 3 order GBPUSD EA - Page 2
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Thread: Simple 3 order GBPUSD EA

  1. #11
    The GBPUSD changed to see if this works.
    Also with all the EA running I can't log out of the account to switch to a different account or the EA will stop operating, right? Do I want to download a completely new platform from the same broker or do I need to use to utilize another broker if I want to play with a different account and keep the EA working.
    How long does the EA look for a trade after GMT. I was wondering when I needed to have my account operating so I dont miss a trade.
    One more thing, since I loaded the EA I keep hearing a ring heading off my computer every once in a while. Is that part of this EA.
    Thankyou for all your help

    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    Try placing GBPUSD_ONLY=false, you account utilizes GBPUSDm which is causing a problem, there'll be a new issue of the applications shortly to allow for suffixes after the GBPUSD emblem.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    GeoffI noticed the other EA had evolved over this one.
    Do you suggest to switch over to the Tokyo EA?

    I shall close this thread very soon, the Tokyo EA does everything today!

  3. #13
    U have test in real accounts?
    Waiting consequence real accounts:d

  4. #14
    93959Geoff, I noticed this one had been evolved more than by the other EA.
    Can you suggest to switch over to the Tokyo EA?

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    Hi Geoff,
    Sorry for my ignorance. Does that mean the brokers' do not allow any EA to operate?

    They allow them to run but I am sure they also analyse where their cash is
    going and it might be simple enough to see if lots of people with exactly the same
    magic number were carrying profits regularly.

    I really don't know whether this is true or just some people being paranoid but it's simple
    enough to change the magic number sometimes to be on the safe side!

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    Maybe it's time to modify your magic number, they may have spotted you!
    Hello Geoff,
    Sorry for my ignorance. Does this mean the brokers' ?


  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    Perhaps it's time to change your magical number, they may have seen you!
    Good call, I guess I must change it weekly.

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    YesI discovered a requote on Alpari. Perhaps that's why I missed a single commerce, though it seems strange to have such things.
    Perhaps it's time to modify your magic number, they could have seen you!

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    Was there anything from the diary?
    Yes, I found a requote on Alpari. Perhaps that's why I missed one commerce, though it appears strange to have such matters through the night.

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    Well first trade TP and the others stopped outside. I just can not comprehend Alpari had two transactions while FXpro got 3.
    Was there anything from the journal?

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