A journal into daily timeframes.
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Thread: A journal into daily timeframes.

  1. #1
    Wow my very first journal to help me gather a sandbox for my own trading and thoughts.

    Background: Working fulltime so actually trading EOD and 4Hr. Recieved lots of help from people and Im going to attempt to generate a journal. The main EOD system is pretty much automated: it follows a similar lineup to (https://www.forexforum.co.za/trading-systems/1-.html)

    The principal differences is the stricter criteria - I havent completed the backtesting (i.e. clarifiion of principles) yet.

  2. #2
    This afternoon I entered a trade (11:05):

    Buy: USDCHF @ 1.15740.

    Hit 1st TP (currently at 1.17810)
    Moved SL : 1.15740

    This is really a free exchange of 142pips

  3. #3
    Economy Gbpusd @ 1.57610
    Sl: 1.63803
    Tp: 1.51595

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    Sell Gbpusd @ 1.57610
    Sl: 1.63803
    Tp: 1.51595
    Above trade Nevertheless Busy - currently at -117

  5. #5
    New trade entered last night in 01:22
    sell gbpjpy
    price: 154.995
    SL: 160.838
    TP: 149.655

  6. #6
    been away

    Upgraded transactions:

    Next step is to make a spreadsheet and automatically calcualate losses

    I mean to go live in Jan 09

  7. #7
    Hey I been utilizing your MACD 5m system! It was working out great for me personally, wanted to thank you. I was wondering when I was reviewing you system, the arrows that are made when the MACD is crossed, do you have that Indior? Because when the red line crosses over the line you open a order. Thank you for what you've done. Its made a huge difference.

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