Hi, I have not been absent in the forex market for a lengthy time. I decided to get back to it before I do, I wanted to think of a egy that WILL NOT FAIL that does not rely on any indiors at all. I've found it, although its not quite profitable so far as making tons of money every day, it's quite very consistent (94/100 wins/losers ratio according to 3630 orders) All of this with proper cash management and a lot of time and I will be dring off into the sunset!

Until I get anyones hopes up, I need to find history for cable I am able to import to shine that gets the pip spreads, it's founded on 1 hr. It's really a very important part of the system as it impacts a lot of trades. If someone knows where I can get this kind of information please don't be shy. I'm excited but I don't want to make any guarantees that I can't keep. I am certain that you know what I mean!
