One day in the life of a trader - Page 3
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Thread: One day in the life of a trader

  1. #21
    The process you describe is detailed, but it seems more suitable for intermediate or advanced traders.For beginners, perhaps it would be better to focus on mastering a single strategy before addressing so many variables.

  2. #22
    Your approach based on historical data is solid, but what about the news and events that are not reflected in the graphics?Ignoring the current market context can lead to wrong decisions, even if technical data seems solid.

  3. #23
    I like how you include the analysis of sectors in your process.However, many traders underestimate the importance of sector correlations.It would be useful to include a basic guide on how to identify correlations between sectors and actions.

  4. #24
    Your recommendation to analyze main indexes is valid, but do not always reflect the conditions of smaller shares.Perhaps you should include a section on how to analyze low capitalization actions and their unique risks.

  5. #25
    Diversification is key, but many traders do not understand how to balance their portfolio properly.Including a practical example on how to diversify in different sectors or assets would be of great help.

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