Trump and the FX industry - Page 3
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Thread: Trump and the FX industry

  1. #21
    Dodd-Frank has positive and negative aspects, but in regards to FX, it has limited too much to US traders.If Trump really wants to revitalize the industry, repeal parts of this law would be a good first step.Although I doubt it is a priority on its agenda.

  2. #22
    I do not understand why so many people blame for leverage for their losses.The problem is not leverage, but how you use it.If you don't know how to handle the risk, even low leverage can be dangerous.Learn to operate with discipline before asking for more flexibility.

  3. #23
    Eliminating Fifo would be a great victory for US traders. It is frustrating not being able to manage positions efficiently due to this archaic rule.I hope Trump takes into account how these restrictions put us at a disadvantage against traders from other countries.

  4. #24
    It is easy to blame regulations for trading difficulties, but do you really think that more leverage or less restrictions will change your results?The real problem is not in the rules, but in how you adapt to them.Successful traders thrive in any environment.

  5. #25
    Fifo is a rule that should never have existed.It is an unnecessary obstacle that does not protect anyone and only makes efficient position management difficult.If Trump really wants to foster competitiveness, eliminating this rule would be a good beginning.It is not a complete solution, but it would be a step in the right direction.

  6. #26
    Having a president to eliminate all regulatory restrictions of the FX is like waiting for money from heaven.It will not happen.Better Focus on how you can improve your skills within the current rules.Successful traders do not depend on politicians to succeed.

  7. #27
    Do you really believe that Trump will prioritize the FX?It is probably more focused on tax reforms and trade agreements.Do not fool yourself thinking that campaign promises will automatically translate into immediate changes.Be realistic and adjust your expectations.

  8. #28
    Leverage is a powerful tool if you know how to use it, but it can also be your worst enemy if you have no discipline.Instead of asking for more leverage, learn to operate efficiently with what you already have.It is the key to survive in this market.

  9. #29
    The regulation in the US can be strict, but also offers some protection against abusive practices.Not everything is negative in Dodd-Frank.That said, eliminating rules such as FIFO or Hedging's ban would make life easier for retail traders.Hopefully Trump considers it.

  10. #30
    If you are waiting for Trump to make drastic changes in the FX industry, you are likely to end up disappointed.Politics is much more complicated than campaign speeches.Instead of depending on promises, work on your own ability to adapt to any regulatory environment.That is what differentiates successful traders.

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