"Are you full -time trader? Survey and reflections" - Page 4
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Thread: "Are you full -time trader? Survey and reflections"

  1. #31
    Serious communities are also usually full of traders that support their mistakes and failures.If everyone seems to be "geniuses" of trading they never lose, it is an alarm signal.No one in this business always wins, and those who say doing so are probably lying.Find forums or groups where the approach is in education and constant improvement, not to feed egos.That will make a big difference in your development as a trader.

  2. #32
    Returning to the issue of full -time trading, is it possible to do it without significant initial capital?

  3. #33
    It is possible, but extremely difficult.The initial capital under limits your potential gains and increases the pressure to operate with leverage, which is a double -edged sword.Many small accounts end up exploiting precisely for this.If you have limited capital, consider operating part -time while saving more money or looking for other sources of income.Full -time trading is not something that should be done by despair;It requires financial stability to resist inevitable losses.

  4. #34
    Being full -time trader without significant capital is like trying to run a marathon without training: possible, but very risky and with little chances of success.Capital is not everything, but it gives you a room for maneuver and allows you to operate without making impulsive decisions.If you are starting with little, focus on learning and building a solid base.Patience and consistency are more important than trying to live from trading from day one.

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