Quantitative trading and quantlib - Page 3
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Thread: Quantitative trading and quantlib

  1. #21
    Yes, it sounds like killing flies to guns, but the key is precision.It is not only about identifying visible patterns, but about capturing details that the human eye overlooks.Neuronal networks make a deeper analysis and can offer different results.I like to see skepticism because it motivates me to show that it can work.Of course, it is not easy or fast, but I trust that the results will be superior to the manual analysis.When I have concrete results, I will be happy to share them.

  2. #22
    I still don't understand how Quantlib can help you in Forex.Are you not designed for derivatives of rates and things like that?At least as far as I know, the Quantlib approach is not the best for markets like Forex.Are you sure you are using the right tool?I have seen other attempts to apply quantlib in areas outside of its purpose and, honestly, the result is not encouraging.Perhaps you should reconsider your approach or find a more appropriate tool for Forex.

  3. #23
    I understand that Quantlib is not the most common in Forex, but I do not rule out its usefulness for this project.Quantlib's advantage is its flexibility, since it can be adapted and expanded for other purposes, even in the currency market.I think the software is just a part of the equation.I am experiencing with its application in Forex and, although there may be limitations, I have found ways that it contributes value.It all depends on how the tool integrates into the strategy.

  4. #24
    I have my doubts about this quantitative trading.There is much talk about algorithms and neural networks, but in the end the market is still random.I don't see how a machine can make useful predictions in something so chaotic.I would love to see a proof that something like that can really work in practice and not only in theory.Because until now, it seems more a science experiment than an applicable trading technique.

  5. #25
    You are right that the market is unpredictable, but quantitative trading is not about predicting, but of identifying probabilities and consistent patterns.The machine does not guess, but detects favorable configurations.I can understand skepticism, but there are many studies that show the effectiveness of quantitative analysis.I am convinced that, if done well, it is a valuable tool to make more informed decisions in trading.

  6. #26
    I only see smoke and mirrors in all this quantitative trading.I do not see that these algorithms and neural networks are as effective as they sell them.Maybe they serve to do beautiful studies, but at the real moment of trading, things are different.I am willing to change your mind if you see real results and not only theories and graphics.Because many say this works, but in practice it does not translate into consistent profits.

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