How to get good graphics?
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Thread: How to get good graphics?

  1. #1
    I am relatively new in the Forex and use Oanda, which is not the best for graphics or to see multiple coins at the same time.Does anyone have any recommendation on how to get better quality graphics?Please include prices (or conditions, as if you need to open account with a broker

  2. #2
    There are enough good quality and free graphics.I like Investols (

  3. #3
    Metatrader 4 is free software (and quite good

  4. #4
    I have tried several platforms: ** Esignal ** is expensive, and I am not sure to get used to its graphics.Automatic tests and backtesting are in Javascript, which is not bad.** Tradestation ** Probably the best for backtesting of actions and futures, since Easylanguage is really easy to use (basic but powerful

  5. #5
    CMS Visual Graphics are also very good, such as the "Disneyland" of graphics tools.Open to suggestions of Chartistas and programmers.In addition, there is a great forum here in FFF (VT Forum

  6. #6
    CMS Visual Graphics are also very good.Oh, I forgot to mention ... They are free and do not expire in demo accounts!{Unless clear, the exhausts}.VT Trader users are currently trying to convince CMS to offer micro accounts through mass emails.Like every free platform, it has its failures, but it seems to listen to users' suggestions to improve.If any of these free platforms were perfect ... 1

  7. #7
    Thanks to all who responded.I have been using MT4 for a couple of weeks and so far it works well for me.In addition, it seems to have enough followers in the forum with many shared indicators, etc.I am using an espadi demo that fits Oanda quite well (which I plan to use when it operates in real, at least at the beginning

  8. #8
    If you are looking for something more advanced and you don't mind paying a little, Esignal could be your solution.Although the learning curve is a bit complicated.

  9. #9
    Esignal sounds good, but I have heard that it can be a bit expensive.Is it really worth it?

  10. #10
    If you are new, isn't it better with something simpler?MT4 is already quite complete.

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