MPE - Momentum, Pullback, Engulf - Page 3
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Thread: MPE - Momentum, Pullback, Engulf

  1. #21
    It is true, but the trick is to trust your analysis and not get carried away by fear.It is a system of probabilities, not for certainties.

  2. #22
    This system has potential, but has you ever failed you completely?Or do you always end up in a long term?

  3. #23
    Of course, there are days when everything goes wrong, but the key is in consistency.In the long term, the results are positive if you maintain discipline.

  4. #24
    I'm going to try this system in demo to see how.I like simplicity, but I don't know if I can operate without stopps, it panic.

  5. #25
    Try it in demo and adjust what makes you feel more comfortable.The idea is to adapt it to your trading style.

  6. #26
    Thanks for sharing your strategy.I think I am going to try with wide stops to see if I can maintain the risk under control.

  7. #27
    Good idea, broad stops are a good alternative if you don't want to risk so much.The important thing is to follow the plan without hesitation.

  8. #28
    I’ve done something similar, though I tend to play it a bit safer with stops in place—just a personal preference.

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