Moral dilemma - Page 3
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Thread: Moral dilemma

  1. #21
    The truth is that this business is full of scammers.If someone cannot show you a profitable trading history, you shouldn't even consider paying you to teach you.Forex is already complicated enough.Do not pay for adding more problems.

  2. #22
    If after 5 years you are not profitable, the most sensible thing is to stop trying to others.If you can't do it yourself, what can you offer others?Sometimes, the best advice you can give is: "Don't do what I did."But of course, that's not something you can sell.

  3. #23
    It is a complicated dilemma, but I think that teaching without having achieved profitability is not only not very ethical, but irresponsible.You are playing with the hopes and money of other people.At the end of the day, Forex is a difficult market.If you can't win in him, at least don't take off others money.

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